
Initiates reprocessing of events for a specific Event Handler currently registered by Clients to the Runtime

Replay all events

Initiates reprocessing of all events (from position 0 in the Event Handler Stream) for all Tenants. If you want to only reprocess all events for a specific Tenant, use the replay from 0 command.

dolittle runtime eventhandlers replay all <identifier> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier of the Event Handler to replay. Format: id/alias[:scope]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
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Replay events from a specific position in the Event Handler Stream

Initiates reprocessing of events from the specified position (in the Event Handler Stream) for a specific Tenant. This command will fail if the specified position is higher than the current position for the Event Handler, which would cause some events to be skipped.

dolittle runtime eventhandlers replay from <identifier> <position> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier of the Event Handler to replay. Format: id/alias[:scope]
<position> The position in the Event Handler stream to star reprocessing events from. Cannot be greater than the current position.


Option Description
--tenant <id> The Tenant to replay events for. Defaults to the Development tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
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