
What is a Tenant & Multi-tenancy

Dolittle supports having multiple tenants using the same software out of the box.

What is a Tenant?

A Tenant is a single client that’s using the hosted software and infrastructure. In a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) domain, a tenant would usually be a single customer using the service. The tenant has its privileges and resources only it has access to.

What is Multi-tenancy?

In a multi-tenant application, the same instance of the software is used to serve multiple tenants. An example of this would be an e-commerce SaaS. The same basic codebase is used by multiple different customers, each who has their own customers and their own data.

Multi-tenancy allows for easier scaling, sharing of infrastructure resources, and easier maintenance and updates to the software.

flowchart TB
    T1((Tenant A)) --> A[Application]
    T2((Tenant B)) --> A
    T3((Tenant C)) --> A
    A --> DB1[(Tenant A)]
    A --> DB2[(Tenant B)]
    A --> DB3[(Tenant C)]

Multi-tenancy in Dolittle

In Dolittle, every tenant in a Microservice is identified by a GUID. Each tenant has their own Event Store, and Read Cache managed by the Runtime. These event stores are defined in the Runtime configuration files. The tenants all share the same Runtime, which is why you need to specify the tenant which to connect to when using the SDKs.

Last modified June 26, 2023: link tenants to the resource-system (1ebf045)