Update configurations

How to update configuration files in the Aigonix Platform

This guide is for the users of our Platform. If you aren’t already a user, please contact us to host your microservices!


Familiar with the following:

  • Kubernetes
  • yaml


For users on Windows OS, we recommend that you use WSL/Ubuntu as your shell/terminal instead of CMD/Poweshell.


Install the following software:


After an environment has been provisioned for you in the Dolittle PaaS, you will receive a yaml file per environment. The files will be similar to this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: application-namespace
  name: app-dev-ms-env-variables
    tenant: Customer
    application: App-Dev
    microservice: MS-A
  OPENID_AUTHORITY: "yourapp.auth0.com"
  OPENID_CLIENT: "client-id"
  OPENID_CLIENTSECRET: "client-secret"

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: application-namespace
  name: app-dev-ms-config-files
    tenant: Customer
    application: App-Dev
    microservice: MS-A
  myapp.json: |
       "somekey": "somevalue"

The files represent configmap resources in Kubernetes. We recommend that you store the files in a version control system(VCS) of your choice.


Each yaml file consists of 2 configmaps per micro-service:

  • app-dev-ms-env-variables: This configmap is for your environmental variables that will be passed on to the container at start up.
  • app-dev-ms-config-files: This configmap is for add/override files. The default mount point is app/data

You may alter the content under data:

  OPENID_AUTHORITY: "yourapp.auth0.com"
  OPENID_CLIENT: "client-id"
  OPENID_CLIENTSECRET: "client-secret"
  connectionstring__myconnection: "strings"

Alter existing or add new key/value pairs.

myapp.json: |
       "somekey": "somevalue"

customSetting.json: |
    "settings": {

Alter existing or add new JSON data that will be linked to a specific file that will be available at runtime under app/data/


You need to setup your AKS credentials.

Update configurations

To update the configurations:

kubectl apply -f <filename>

You must be in the directory of the yaml file before running the command.

To update/add a single key in the config:

kubectl patch -n <Application Namespace> configmap <Configmap Name>  -p '{"data":{"my-key":"value that i want"}}'

To remove a single key from the configuration:

kubectl patch -n <Application Namespace> configmap <Configmap Name>  -p '{"data":{"my-key":null}}'

See configurations

JSON output

kubectl get -n <Application Namespace> configmap <Configmap Name> -o json

YAML output:

kubectl get -n <Application Namespace> configmap <Configmap Name> -o yaml

For an advanced print out, you need a tool called jq for parsing

kubectl get -n configmap -o json | jq -j ‘.data | to_entries | .[] | “(.key): (.value)\n”’