Deploy an application

How to deploy an application in the Aigonix Platform

This guide is for the users of our Platform. If you aren’t already a user, please contact us to host your microservices!


Familiar with the following:

  • Docker containers
  • Kubernetes
  • Microsoft Azure


For users on Windows OS, we recommend that you use WSL/Ubuntu as your shell/terminal instead of CMD/Powershell.


Install the following software:


After an environment has been provisioned for you in the Dolittle PaaS, you will receive these details to use with the deployment commands in the following sections:

Subscription ID
Resource Group
Cluster Name
Application Namespace
ACR Registry
Image Repository
Deployment Name
Application URL


All commands are meant to be run in a terminal (Shell)


Login to Azure:

az login

AKS - Azure Container Service

Get credentials from Dolittle’s AKS cluster

az aks get-credentials -g <Resource Group> -n <Cluster Name> --subscription <Subscription ID>

ACR - Azure Container Registry

Get credentials to Azure Container Registry

az acr login -n <ACR Registry> --subscription <Subscription ID>


To deploy a new version of your application, follow these steps. For use semantic versioning, e.g. “1.0.0”.


Build your image

docker build -t <Image Repository>:<Tag> .

Push the image to ACR

docker push <Image Repository>:<Tag>


Patch the Kubernetes deployment to run your new version

kubectl patch --namespace <Application Namespace> deployment <Deployment Name> -p '{"spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [{ "name":"head", "image": "<Image Repository>:<Tag>"}] }}}}'


kubectl commands:

Show the status of your application pods

kubectl -n <Application Namespace> get pods

Show deployed version of your application

kubectl -n <Application Namespace> get deployment -o wide

Show the logs of the last deployed version of the application

kubectl -n <Application Namespace> logs deployments/<Deployment Name>

Logs for the application, last 100 lines

kubectl -n <Application Namespace> logs deployments/<Deployment Name> --tail=100