Core principles

Learn about the core principles of Dolittle


From everything we do; security is at the heart. We want users to feel secure when using systems built on top of the Dolittle frameworks and platform. Zero trust is way of thinking that basically ensures that all data and resources are accessed in a secure manner.

Storage over compute

For everything we do at Dolittle and in the Dolittle frameworks, we always favor using more storage than compute. Compute-power is always the most expensive part of systems while storage is the cheapest. This means if one has the chance and it sustainable - duplicates in storage for different purposes is always preferred. Since the Dolittle architecture is built around events and the source of truth is sitting inside an event store, there is a great opportunity of leveraging the storage capabilities out there and really not be afraid of duplicates. This do however mean one needs to embrace the concept of eventual consistency.


Since compute is the most expensive, the Dolittle frameworks and platform has been built from the ground up with multi-tenancy in mind. This basically means that a single process running the Dolittle runtime, can represent multiple tenants of the application the runtime represents. This makes for a more optimal use of resources. The way one then does things is based on the execution context with the tenant information in it, we can use the correct connection-string for a database for instance or other information to a resource.

Tenant segregation

With everything being multi-tenant we also focus on segregating the tenants. This principle means that we do not share a resource - unless it can cryptographically guarantee that data could not be shared between two tenants by accident. Everything in the Dolittle frameworks has been built from the ground up with this in mind and with the resource system at play, you’ll be able to transparently work as if it was a single tenant solution and the Dolittle frameworks in conjunction with the platform would then guarantee the correct resource.


Data should in no way made available to arbitrary personnel. Only if the data owner has consented should one get access to data. Much like GDPR is saying for personal data and the consent framework defined, business to business should be treated in the same way. This means that developers trying to hunt down a bug, shouldn’t just be granted access to a production system and its data without the consent of the actual data owner. An application developer that builds a multi-tenant application might not even be the data owner, while its customers probably are. This should be governed in agreements between the application owner and the data owner.

Just enough software

A very core value we have at Dolittle is to not deliver more than just enough. We know the least at the beginning of a project and the only way we can know if anything works is to put it into the hands of others. Only then can we really see what worked and what didn’t. Therefor it is essential that we only do just enough. In the words of Sarah Lewis; “We thrive not when we’ve done it all, but when we still have more to do” (See her TED talk here. Others has said similar things with the same sentiments - like LinkedIns Reid Hoffman said; “If you’re not embarrassed by your first product release, you’ve released it too late.”.

In order to be able to do so and guarantee a consistent level og quality, you have to have some core values and guiding principles to help you along the way.

Last modified September 29, 2021: Delete old guideline files. Fix links (006119f)