
The source of truth in the system

An Event is a serializable representation of “a fact that has happened within your system”.

“A fact”

An event is a change (fact) within our system. The event itself contains all the relevant information concerning the change. At its simplest, an event can be represented by a name (type) if it’s enough to describe the change.

More usually, it is a simple Data Transfer Object (DTO) that contains state and properties that describe the change. It does not contain any calculations or behavior.

“that has happened”

As the event has happened, it cannot be changed, rejected, or deleted. This forms the basis of Event Sourcing If you wish to change the action or the state change that the event encapsulates, then it is necessary to initiate an action that results in another event that nullifies the impact of the first event.

This is common in accounting, for example: Sally adds 100$ into her bank, which would result in an event like “Add 100$ to Sally’s account”. But if the bank accidentally adds 1000$ instead of the 100$ then a correcting event should be played, like “Subtract 900$ from Sally’s account”. And with event sourcing, this information is preserved in the event store for eg. later auditing purposes.


To indicate that the event “has happened in the past”, it should be named as a verb in the past tense. Often it can contain the name of the entity that the change or action is affecting.

  • DishPrepared
  • ItemAddedToCart
  • StartCooking
  • AddItemToCart

“within your system”

An event represents something interesting that you wish to capture in your system. Instead of seeing state changes and actions as side effects, they are explicitly modeled within the system and captured within the name, state and shape of our Event.

State transitions are an important part of our problem space and should be modeled within our domain — Greg Young


An event should be expressed in language that makes sense in the domain, also known as Ubiquitous Language. You should avoid overly technical/CRUD-like events where such terms are not used in the domain.

For example, in the domain of opening up the kitchen for the day and adding a new item to the menu:

  • KitchenOpened
  • DishAddedToMenu
  • TakeoutServerReady
  • MenuListingElementUpdated

Main structure of an Event

This is a simplified structure of the main parts of an event. For the Runtime, the event is only a JSON-string which is saved into the Event Store.

Event {
    Content object
    EventLogSequenceNumber int
    EventSourceId string
    Public bool
    EventType {
        EventTypeId Guid
        Generation int

For the whole structure of an event as defined in protobuf, please check Contracts.


This is the content of the to be committed. It needs to be serializable to JSON.


This is the events position in the Event Log. It uniquely identifies the event.


EventSourceId represents the source of the event like a “primary key” in a traditional database. The value of the event source id is simply a string, and we don’t enforce any particular rules or restrictions on the event source id. By default, partitioned event handlers use it for partitioning.

Public vs. Private

There is a basic distinction between private events and public events. In much the same way that you would not grant access to other applications to your internal database, you do not allow other applications to receive any of your private events.

Private events are only accessible within a single Tenant so that an event committed for one tenant cannot be handled outside of that tenant.

Public events are also accessible within a single tenant but they can also be added to a public Stream through a public filterfor other microservices to consume. Your public event streams essentially form a public API for the other microservices to subscribe to.


An EventType is the combination of an EventTypeId to uniquely identify the type of event it is and the event type’s Generation. This decouples the event from a programming language and enables the renaming of events as the domain language evolves.

For the Runtime, the event is just a JSON-string. It doesn’t know about the event’s content, properties, or type (in its respective programming language). The Runtime saves the event to the event log and from that point the event is ready to be processed by the EventHandlers & Filters. For this event to be serialized to JSON and then deserialized back to a type that the client’s filters and event handlers understand, an event type is required.

This diagram shows us a simplified view of committing a single event with the type of DishPrepared. The Runtime receives the event, and sends it back to us to be handled. Without the event type, the SDK wouldn’t know how to deserialize the JSON message coming from the Runtime.

    participant SDK
    participant Runtime
    participant Event Store
    SDK->>Runtime: Commit(DishPrepared)
    Runtime->>Event Store: Serialize the event into<br/>JSON and save it
    Runtime->>SDK: Commit successful
    Runtime->>Runtime: Process the event in<br/>handlers and filters
    Runtime->>SDK: Send the JSON of the event<br/>to the event-handler
    SDK->>SDK: Deserialize according to EventTypeId<br/>found in JSON and call on the handler

Event types are also important when wanting to deserialize events coming from other microservices. As the other microservice could be written in a completely different programming language, event types provide a level of abstraction for deserializing the events.


Generations are still under development. At the moment they are best to be left alone.

As the code changes, the structures and contents of your events are also bound to change at some point. In most scenarios, you will see that you need to add more information to events. These iterations on the same event type are called generations. Whenever you add or change a property in an event, the generation should be incremented to reflect that it’s a new version of the event. This way the filters and handlers can handle different generations of an event.