Container Registry

Your docker image container registry

All Microservices running in the Aigonix Platform are running in Docker containers. You can run public images, or you can run your own images. If you do not wish to publish the images of your Microservices to publicly available registries you can use one Aigonix provides for you.

This container registry is available at a unique host for your customer account. You can find the host in the documentation for your Application in Studio. It will look like {your-random-id}

To list what images are available in the registry you can navigate to the container-registry in Aigonix Studio, or you use the az command-line tool. You will need to log in to the Azure CLI and then you can run

az acr repository list --name {your-random-id} -o table

from your command-line. This will list all the images available in the registry.

To push a new image to the registry you tag the image with the registry host and then push it to the registry. You can do this with the docker command-line tool. Let us say you have an image called my-image that you want to push to the registry. You would then run

docker tag my-image {your-random-id}
docker push {your-random-id}

from your command-line. This will push the image to the registry and make it available for you to use in your Microservices. This image will not be available on public registries, it will only be available to you.

Last modified June 22, 2023: add container_registry (0a6e74a)