Resource System
When using the Dolittle SDK you get access to the Resource System which is a way to get access to storage. The Resources you get will be separated by Tenants and unique in your current context. This means that you can depend on the stored data not leaking between tenants. The event-store and the read-cache are the only permanent storage options available through the Resource System.
Read Cache
The Read Cache, or ReadModels
, is available from the Resource System as an IMongoDatabase
that you can reference in your code. The database will be connected, and you can use normal MongoDB queries to get access to the data you store there.
A minimal example of an AspNet Core web application that uses the Dolittle SDK and the Read Cache could look like this:
using Dolittle.SDK;
using Dolittle.SDK.Tenancy;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using ResourceSystemDemo;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add Dolittle to the web-application's host.
var app = builder.Build();
await app.StartAsync();
// get a client
var dolittleClient = await app.GetDolittleClient();
// get a reference the the development-tenant's read-cache
var tenantedReadCache = dolittleClient
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// the ReadModel has only Id and Value in this example
var readModel = new ReadModel(id, "this is my data");
// in this example the collection-name is "models"
const string collectionName = "models";
// get the inserted read-model back from storage
var retrievedFromStorage = tenantedReadCache
.Where(rm => rm.Id == id)
$"retrieved read-model was {retrievedFromStorage}"
// to keep running: await app.WaitForShutdownAsync();
await app.StopAsync();
In your actual code you would need to decide the collection-name and build your ReadModels to match your needs.
Note that the interactions with the tenantedReadCache
are all done using a normal MongoDB driver. This means that you can use the full power of MongoDB to query and update your data.
Accessing the Event Store directly
The Event Store is available from the Dolittle SDK directly. The backing data-storage is MongoDB, but no MongoDB driver access is available from the SDK. To interact with the Event Store there are methods available to
- commit events
- commit public events
- get all the events for an aggregate-root
- get all the events in a stream for an aggregate-root
Committing events and public events
With a Dolittle Client from the Dolittle SDK you can commit events to the Event Store directly (skipping any aggregates).
// assume we have the app like above
var dolittleClient = await app.GetDolittleClient();
var tenantedEventStore = dolittleClient
// assume we have an Event -type called SomeEvent with Id and Value
var someEvent = new SomeEvent(
Id: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Value: "this is my data");
content: someEvent,
eventSourceId: "Demo"
// assume we have another Event -type called SomePublicEvent
var somePublicEvent = new SomePublicEvent(
Id: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Value: "this is data going on the public stream");
content: somePublicEvent,
eventSourceId: "Demo"
Getting events for an aggregate-root
Committed events from the Event Store are available if they are associated with an aggregate-root. You need to know the aggregate-root’s ID and the event-source id to get the events. Remember that the aggregate-root ID identifies the type of aggregate-root and event-source ID identifies the instance of that aggregate-root-type.
You can either get all the events as a collection, or you can get it as a streaming IAsyncEnumerable
We have a minimal aggregate-root type called Lookout
with an aggregate-root id:
public class Lookout : AggregateRoot
public void SeeSomething() =>
Apply(new SomeEvent(Guid.NewGuid(), "something happened"));
We call on the lookout with the id “Alice” to see something through the Dolittle Client:
await dolittleClient
alice => alice.SeeSomething()
We can now access the events from an instance of that aggregate-root type like this:
var events = await dolittleClient
.FetchForAggregate("B92DE697-2E09-4AE1-99A2-3BB72925B0AF", "Alice");
Console.WriteLine($"Alice has seen something {events.Count} times");
If we want to get the events as a streaming IAsyncEnumerable
(there may be many events) we can do it like this:
var stream = dolittleClient
.FetchStreamForAggregate("B92DE697-2E09-4AE1-99A2-3BB72925B0AF", "Alice");
await foreach (var chunk in stream)
Console.WriteLine("streaming to: " + chunk.AggregateRootVersion);
foreach(var evt in chunk)
Console.WriteLine("evt: " + evt.Content);
A much simpler way to handle events is usually to write an EventHandler or Projection that will handle the events for you.
The Resource System is a way to get access to storage in your Dolittle application. The Read Cache is a way to get access to a MongoDB database that is unique to your tenant. The Event Store is a way to get access to the events that have been committed to the Event Store by Aggregate-Roots for your tenant.