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Reference documentation

I’m the overview of the reference folder. I’ll appear when you click on the “References”

1 - Dolittle CLI

The Dolittle CLI tool command reference

This section helps you learn about how to use the Dolittle CLI tool. If you’re new to the CLI, jump down to the how to install section to get started.

Command overview

Syntax Description
dolittle runtime aggregates list List all running Aggregate Roots Details
dolittle runtime aggregates get Get details about a running Aggregate Root Details
dolittle runtime aggregates events Get committed events for an Aggregate Root Instance Details
dolittle runtime eventhandlers list List all running Event Handlers Details
dolittle runtime eventhandlers get Get details about a running Event Handler Details
dolittle runtime eventhandlers replay Replay events for a running Event Handler Details
dolittle runtime eventtypes list List all registered Event Types Details
dolittle runtime projections list List all running Projections Details
dolittle runtime projections get Get details about a running Projection Details
dolittle runtime projections replay Replay a running Projection Details

How to install

There are two ways to install the Dolittle CLI tool, directly as a binary or using the dotnet tool command if you’re using .NET.

Installing as a .NET tool

To install the tool globally on your machine, run:

dotnet tool install --global Dolittle.Runtime.CLI

This should make the dolittle command anywhere. You might have to modify your PATH environment variable to make it work, and the .NET installer should guide you in how to do this. If it doesn’t, you can have a look at the dotnet tool install documentation for more help.

Installing as a binary

To install the tool manually, head over to the Runtime latest release page on GitHub, expand the “Assets” section at the bottom of the release, and download the binary for your setup. Next you’ll have to place this file somewhere in your PATH to make it available as a command, on a *nix-like system, /usr/local/bin is usually a nice place, in the process of moving it we also recommend that you rename it to just dolittle. Lastly you will need to make the file executable by running chomd a+x /usr/local/bin/dolittle and you should be all set.


1.1 - Runtime

Commands related to management of a Runtime
dolittle runtime [subcommand]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.


The dolittle runtime commands interacts with a Runtime you can access from your machine. You can specify an endpoint using the --runtime <host[:port]> option. If you don’t specify an endpoint, the CLI will try to locate a Runtime it can interact with itself. Currently it looks for Docker containers running a dolittle/runtime:* image with the management port (51052) exposed. If there are more than one available Runtime and you have not specified an endpoint, you’ll be presented with an interactive selector to choose one.


1.1.1 - Aggregates

Commands related to management of Aggregates
dolittle runtime aggregates [subcommand]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.

Subcommands - List

Lists all the Aggregate Roots currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime aggregates list [options]


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show Aggregate Root information for the specified Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information. - Get

Gets details of a specific Aggregate Root currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime aggregates get <identifier> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The id or the alias of the Aggregate Root to get details for.


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show Aggregate Root information for the specified Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information. - Events

Gets committed events for a specific Aggregate Root Instance that is currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime aggregates events <identifier> <eventsource> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The id or the alias of the Aggregate Root to get details for.
<eventsource> The Event Source of the Aggregate Root Instance to get committed events for.


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show committed events for the specified Tenant. Defaults to the development Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.

1.1.2 - Event Handlers

Commands related to management of Event Handlers
dolittle runtime eventhandlers [subcommand]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.

Subcommands - List

Lists all the Event Handlers currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime eventhandlers list [options]


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show Event Handler information for the specified Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information. - Get

Gets details of a specific Event Handler currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime eventhandlers get <identifier> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier of the Event Handler to get details for. Format: id/alias[:scope]


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show Stream Processor status for the specified Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information. - Replay

Initiates reprocessing of events for a specific Event Handler currently registered by Clients to the Runtime

Replay all events

Initiates reprocessing of all events (from position 0 in the Event Handler Stream) for all Tenants. If you want to only reprocess all events for a specific Tenant, use the replay from 0 command.

dolittle runtime eventhandlers replay all <identifier> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier of the Event Handler to replay. Format: id/alias[:scope]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--help Show help information.

Replay events from a specific position in the Event Handler Stream

Initiates reprocessing of events from the specified position (in the Event Handler Stream) for a specific Tenant. This command will fail if the specified position is higher than the current position for the Event Handler, which would cause some events to be skipped.

dolittle runtime eventhandlers replay from <identifier> <position> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier of the Event Handler to replay. Format: id/alias[:scope]
<position> The position in the Event Handler stream to star reprocessing events from. Cannot be greater than the current position.


Option Description
--tenant <id> The Tenant to replay events for. Defaults to the Development tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--help Show help information.

1.1.3 - Event Types

Commands related to management of Event Types
dolittle runtime eventtypes [subcommand]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.

Subcommands - List

Lists all the Event Types currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime eventtypes list [options]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.

1.1.4 - Projections

Commands related to management of Projections
dolittle runtime projections [subcommand]


Option Description
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information.

Subcommands - List

Lists all the Projections currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime projections list [options]


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show Stream Processor status for the specified Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information. - Get

Gets details of a specific Projection currently registered by Clients to the Runtime
dolittle runtime projection get <identifier> <scope> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier or alias of the Projection to get details for
<scope> The scope of the Projection to get details for. Only required when the identifier or alias matches multiple projections


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only show Stream Processor status for the specified Tenant.
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--output table|json Select the format the output of the subcommand. Defaults to table.
--wide If set, prints more details in table format for a wider output.
--help Show help information. - Replay

Initiates a replay of a Projection currently registered by Clients to the Runtime

Initiates a replay of all events to rebuild Projection read models. This command drops all persisted read models, and potential copies in MongoDB, and restarts the Projection to build new ones.

dolittle runtime projection replay <identifier> <scope> [options]


Argument Description
<identifier> The identifier or alias of the Projection to replay
<scope> The scope of the Projection to replay. Only required when the identifier or alias matches multiple projections


Option Description
--tenant <id> Only replay the Projection for the specified Tenant. If not provided, replays for all Tenants
--runtime host[:port] The address to the management endpoint of a Runtime. See details.
--help Show help information.

2 - Runtime

Reference documentation for the Runtime configuration

I’m the overview of the reference folder. I’ll appear when you click on the “References”

2.1 - Compatibility

Runtime compatibility table

By Runtime version:

Runtime DotNET SDK JavaScript SDK
8.8.0 - 8.8.1 17.0.0 - 21.0.1 24.0.0
8.5.0 - 8.7.2 17.0.0 - 19.0.0 24.0.0
8.3.0 - 8.4.3 17.0.0 - 17.2.3 24.0.0
8.0.0 - 8.2.2 17.0.0 - 17.0.2 24.0.0
7.8.0 - 7.8.1 10.0.0 - 16.0.1 18.0.0 - 23.2.3
7.7.0 - 7.7.1 10.0.0 - 15.1.1 18.0.0 - 23.1.0
7.6.0 - 7.6.1 10.0.0 - 15.0.1 18.0.0 - 23.0.0
7.5.0 - 7.5.1 10.0.0 - 14.1.0 18.0.0 - 22.1.0
7.4.0 - 7.4.1 10.0.0 - 13.0.0 18.0.0 - 21.0.0
7.3.0 10.0.0 - 12.0.0 18.0.0 - 20.0.0
7.2.0 10.0.0 - 11.0.0 18.0.0 - 19.0.1
7.1.0 - 7.1.1 10.0.0 - 10.1.0 18.0.0 - 18.1.0
7.0.0 10.0.0 18.0.0
6.1.0 - 6.2.4 9.0.0 - 9.2.0 15.0.0 - 17.0.3
6.0.0 - 6.0.1 9.0.0
5.5.0 - 5.6.2 6.0.0 - 8.4.0 14.3.0 - 14.4.0
5.3.3 - 5.4.2 6.0.0 - 8.3.2
5.0.0 - 5.3.2 6.0.0 - 8.0.0

By DotNET SDK version:

DotNET SDK Runtime
20.0.0 - 21.0.1 8.8.0 - 8.8.1
18.0.0 - 19.0.0 8.5.0 - 8.8.1
17.1.0 - 17.2.3 8.3.0 - 8.8.1
17.0.0 - 17.0.2 8.0.0 - 8.8.1
15.1.2 - 16.0.1 7.8.0 - 7.8.1
15.1.0 - 15.1.1 7.7.0 - 7.8.1
14.2.0 - 15.0.1 7.6.0 - 7.8.1
13.0.1 - 14.1.0 7.5.0 - 7.8.1
13.0.0 7.4.0 - 7.8.1
12.0.0 7.3.0 - 7.8.1
11.0.0 7.2.0 - 7.8.1
10.1.0 7.1.0 - 7.8.1
10.0.0 7.0.0 - 7.8.1
9.1.0 - 9.2.0 6.1.0 - 6.2.4
9.0.0 6.0.0 - 6.2.4
8.4.0 5.5.0 - 5.6.2
8.1.0 - 8.3.2 5.3.3 - 5.6.2
6.0.0 - 8.0.0 5.0.0 - 5.6.2

By JavaScript SDK version:

JavaScript SDK Runtime
24.0.0 8.0.0 - 8.8.1
23.2.0 - 23.2.3 7.8.0 - 7.8.1
23.1.0 7.7.0 - 7.8.1
22.2.0 - 23.0.0 7.6.0 - 7.8.1
21.0.1 - 22.1.0 7.5.0 - 7.8.1
21.0.0 7.4.0 - 7.8.1
20.0.0 7.3.0 - 7.8.1
19.0.0 - 19.0.1 7.2.0 - 7.8.1
18.1.0 7.1.0 - 7.8.1
18.0.0 7.0.0 - 7.8.1
15.0.0 - 17.0.3 6.1.0 - 6.2.4
14.3.0 - 14.4.0 5.5.0 - 5.6.2

2.2 - Configuration

Runtime configuration files reference

The Runtime uses the ASP.NET Configuration System for reading configuration related to setting up the logging and also configuration for the Runtime itself. It reads and overrides configuration in a prioritized manner where configuration from files is overridden by environment variables and command-line arguments.

Configuration points


Sets up the ports for the Runtime interface endpoints.


The GRPC port for communication between Runtime and Clients, usually an application using the SDK, for Runtime functionalities.

  • Port
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 50053


The GRPC port for communication between Runtimes using the Event Horizon.

  • Port
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 50052


The GRPC port for communication between Runtimes and Clients for management related functionalities. The ´dolittle´ CLI uses this port for communicating with the Runtime.

  • Port
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 51052


The GRPC-Web port for communication between Runtimes and Clients for management related functionalities. A browser-application using GRPC-Web can communicate with the Runtime using this port.

  • Port
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 51152


The REST-service endpoint for the Runtime. Only some functionalities are provided through this endpoint.

  • Port
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 8001


The port where we provide metrics using Prometheus. Used for metrics scraping.

  • Port
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 9700


A required configuration denoting whether the event store should use the old formatting used in V6 of the runtime or the newer format. In V6 Runtime the Partition ID and Event Source ID were forced to by GUIDs and also stored as such in the database. In V7 we changed it so that these were strings, not GUIDs, thus the database scheme is slightly different and it needs to be configured explicitly. Only Runtimes that has event store databases with data from V6 of the Runtime should use the V6 option.

Type: String


  • V6
  • V7


Contains a feature-flag for whether or not to use reverse calls implemented with actors.

  • UseActors
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: True


Defines the platform specific information related to the running microservice.

  • CustomerName
    • Type: string
    • Default: ‘[Not Set]’
  • CustomerID
    • Type: GUID
    • Default: ‘ca900ec9-bae8-462e-b262-fa3efc825ca8’
  • ApplicationName
    • Type: string
    • Default: ‘[Not Set]’
  • ApplicationID
    • Type: GUID
    • Default: ‘4fe9492c-1d19-4e6b-be72-03208789906e’
  • MicroserviceName
    • Type: string
    • Default: ‘[Not Set]’
  • MicroserviceID
    • Type: GUID
    • Default: ‘4a5d2bc3-543f-459a-ab0b-e8e924093260’
  • Environment
    • Type: string
    • Default: ‘Development’


The addresses of other Runtimes used when subscribing to an event horizon stream. This is a dictionary mapping specifying the host:port address for reaching the Public Endpoint on the given Microservice ID (Key of the objet)

  • <Microservice-GUID>
    • Host
      • Type: string
    • Port
      • Type: Integer

Tenant-Specific Configuration

Configurations that are specific to a single tenant. All of the configurations for a tenant is behind the configuration key tenants:<Tenant-Guid>


Embeddings [Obsolete]

  • Servers
    • Description: The name of the host server. (Usually ‘localhost’)
    • Type: Array[string]
  • Database
    • Description: The name of the mongo database
    • Type: string
  • MaxConnectionPoolSize
    • Description: The max number of concurrent MongoDB connections
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 1000


  • Servers
    • Description: The name of the host server. (Usually ‘localhost’)
    • Type: Array[string]
  • Database
    • Description: The name of the mongo database
    • Type: string
  • MaxConnectionPoolSize
    • Description: The max number of concurrent MongoDB connections
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 1000


  • Servers
    • Description: The name of the host server. (Usually ‘localhost’)
    • Type: Array[string]
  • Database
    • Description: The name of the mongo database
    • Type: string
  • MaxConnectionPoolSize
    • Description: The max number of concurrent MongoDB connections
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 1000


  • Host
    • Description: The full host connection string of the MongoDB connection. (Usually mongodb://localhost:27017)
    • Type: string
  • Database
    • Description: The name of the mongo database
    • Type: string
  • MaxConnectionPoolSize
    • Description: The max number of concurrent MongoDB connections
    • Type: Integer
    • Default: 1000


Defines the event horizons for this tenant (only consents can be configured).

  • <Microservice-GUID>
    • Consents
      • Description: The list of consents for a specific Partition in a public Stream from this specific tenant to specific tenant in the Microservice from the key of this entry.
      • Type: Array[Object]
        • ConsumerTenant
          • Description: The ID of the Tenant in the Microservice given above in the key of this entry that gets a consent to subscribe to the configured Partition in the configured public Stream
          • Type: GUID
        • Stream
          • Description: The ID of the public stream that the event horizon reads events from.
          • Type: GUID
        • Partition
          • Description: The partition ID of the public stream that the event horizon reads events from.
          • Type: GUID
        • Consent
          • Description: The ID of the consent. (Not used for anything yet)
          • Type: GUID


The Runtime uses a single YAML configuration file called runtime.yml located under the .dolittle/ folder. This file has a 1:1 correspondence with the Runtime Configuration meaning that all fields under the runtime.yml config file gets prefixed Dolittle:Runtime: (represented as an environment variable by Dolittle__Runtime__) used in the Asp.Net configuration system.

Example config

        version: V6
    customerID: 6d8eaf84-969c-4234-b78f-30632a608e5a
    applicationID: e0078604-ae62-378d-46fb-9e245d824c61
    microserviceID: ffb20e4f-9227-574d-31aa-d6e59b34495d
    customerName: TheCustomer
    applicationName: THeApplication
    microserviceName: TheMicroservice
    environment: Dev
        port: 50052
            database: embeddings
            database: eventstore
            host: mongodb://
            database: readmodels
            - dev-mongo.application-e0078604-ae62-378d-46fb-9e245d824c61.svc.cluster.local
            database: projections
            -   consumerTenant: c5b5847a-68e6-4b31-ad33-8f2beb216d8b
                stream: d9b302bb-5439-4226-a225-3b4a0986f6ed
                partition: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
                consent: 4d43e837-0a8e-4b3d-a3eb-5301f5650d91

Default configuration

When using the dolittle/runtime images it is provided with a default runtime.yml setting up only resources for the “Development Tenant445f8ea8-1a6f-40d7-b2fc-796dba92dc44

          - localhost
        database: event_store
        maxConnectionPoolSize: 1000
          - localhost
        database: projections
        maxConnectionPoolSize: 1000
          - localhost
        database: embeddings
        maxConnectionPoolSize: 1000
        host: mongodb://localhost:27017
        database: readmodels
        useSSL: false


All Runtime configurations in theory can also be provided through the Asp.Net appsettings.json configuration file by simply having a Dolittle:Runtime object in the root of the configuration:

    "Dolittle": {
        "Runtime": {
            "Platform": {
                "ApplicationID": ...
            "Tenants": {
                "<Tenant-GUID>": {
                    "Resources": {
    "Logging": {

Environment variables

All configurations to the Runtime can be configured with environment variables by prefixing the environment variables with Dolittle__Runtime__


The Legacy Runtime pre version V8 uses JSON configuration files. The files are mounted to the .dolittle/ folder inside the Docker image.

Configuration file Required
platform.json ✔️
tenants.json ✔️
resources.json ✔️
event-horizon-consents.json ✔️


Required. Configures the Microservice environment for the Runtime.

    "applicationName": "<application-name>",
    "applicationID": "<application-id>",
    "microserviceName": "<microservice-name>",
    "microserviceID": "<microservice-id>",
    "customerName": "<customer-name>",
    "customerID": "<customer-id>",
    "environment": "<environment-name>"


Required. Defines each Tenant in the Runtime.

    <tenant-id>: {}


Required. Configurations for the resources available per Tenant:

  • eventStore: MongoDB configuration for the Event Store
  • projections: MongoDB configuration for the storage of Projections
  • embeddings: MongoDB configuration for the storage of Embeddings
  • readModels: MongoDB configuration for a database that can be used for any storage and accessed through the SDKs directly. This database should only be used to store data that can be rebuilt from replaying events.

The database name must be unique for all resources and tenants, reusing the same name will cause undefined behaviour in the Runtime and potential dataloss.

    <tenant-id>: {
        "eventStore": {
            "servers": [
                <MongoDB connection URI>
            "database": <MongoDB database name>,
            "maxConnectionPoolSize": 1000
        "projections": {
            "servers": [
                <MongoDB connection URI>
            "database": <MongoDB database name>,
            "maxConnectionPoolSize": 1000
        "embeddings": {
            "servers": [
                <MongoDB connection URI>
            "database": <MongoDB database name>,
            "maxConnectionPoolSize": 1000
        "readModels": {
            "host": <MongoDB connection string>,
            "database": <MongoDB database name>,
            "useSSL": false


Required. Defines the Consents a Producer tenant gives to Consumers so that they can receive events over the Event Horizon.

    // The producer tenant that gives the consent
    <tenant-id>: [
            // the consumers microservice and tenant to give consent to
            "microservice": <microservice-id>,
            "tenant": <tenant-id>,
            // the producers public stream and partition to give consent to
            "stream": <stream-id>,
            "partition": <partition-id>,
            // an identifier for this consent 
            "consent": <consent-id>


Defines where the Producer microservices are so that the Consumer can Subscribe to them.

    // the id of the producer microservice
    <microservice-id>: {
        // producer microservices Runtime host and public port
        "host": <host>,
        "port": <port>


Defines the private and public ports for the Runtime.

    "public": {
        // default 50052
        "port": <port>
    "private": {
        // default 50053
        "port": <port>


The port to expose the Prometheus Runtimes metrics server on.

    // default 9700
    "Port": <port>

2.3 - Failures

The known failures and their associated codes

Event Store

Code Failure
b6fcb5dd-a32b-435b-8bf4-ed96e846d460  Event Store Unavailable
d08a30b0-56ab-43dc-8fe6-490320514d2f Event Applied By Other Aggregate Root
b2acc526-ba3a-490e-9f15-9453c6f13b46 Event Applied To Other Event Source
ad55fca7-476a-4f68-9411-1a3b087ab843 Event Store Persistance Error
6f0e6cab-c7e5-402e-a502-e095f9545297 Event Store Consistency Error
eb508238-87ff-4519-a743-03be5196a83d Event Store Sequence Is Out Of Order
45a811d9-bdf7-4ee1-b9bc-3f248e761799 Event Cannot Be Null
eb51284e-c7b4-4966-8da4-64a862f07560 Aggregate Root Version Out Of Order
f25cccfb-3ae1-4969-bee6-906370ffbc2d Aggregate Root Concurrency Conflict
ef3f1a42-9bc3-4d98-aa2a-942db7c56ac1 No Events To Commit


Code Failure
d6060ba0-39bd-4815-8b0e-6b43b5f87bc5 No Filter Registration Received
2cdb6143-4f3d-49cb-bd58-68fd1376dab1 Cannot Register Filter Or Non Writeable Stream
f0480899-8aed-4191-b339-5121f4d9f2e2 Failed To Register Filter

Event Handlers

Code Failure
209a79c7-824c-4988-928b-0dd517746ca0 No Event Handler Registration Received
45b4c918-37a5-405c-9865-d032869b1d24 Cannot Register Event Handler Or Non Writeable Stream
dbfdfa15-e727-49f6-bed8-7a787954a4c6 Failed To Register Event Handler

Event Horizon

Code Failure
9b74482a-8eaa-47ab-ac1c-53d704e4e77d Missing Microservice Configuration
a1b791cf-b704-4eb8-9877-de918c36b948 Did Not Receive Subscription Response
2ed211ce-7f9b-4a9f-ae9d-973bfe8aaf2b Subscription Cancelled
be1ba4e6-81e3-49c4-bec2-6c7e262bfb77 Missing Consent
3f88dfb6-93d6-40d3-9d28-8be149f9e02d Missing Subscription Arguments